More Women Get Hormonal Acne, Why?
I hear this all the time "why am I breaking out in my adult life when I never broke out in my teenage years?" A baffling and annoying situation right? You get through your teenage years and whammo, you start breaking out.
Adult acne looks much different to acne you may have had in your teenage years.
One will typically get adult acne for 2 reasons:
1. Hormones – women's hormones are constantly going up and down and sideways our whole life. On the pill, off the pill, HRT, menopause, pregnancies, IVF .... it’s a hormonal roller coaster. Hormonal spots will usually appear on the lower half of the face, along the jawline and chin area. They can be sore with no white head and last for weeks.
2. Using the incorrect skin care and make up – these will be smaller spots, that can cover the entire face. They consist of whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, the works. Simply by consulting with a therapist, receiving the correct skin care treatments and changing your skin care, makeup and everything you put on your skin (yes even that sneaky clay mask you LOVE) will assist with this type of adult acne.
Here are some crazy stats to share:
According to a survey done by dermatologists at the University of Alabama-Birmingham:
In their 20s, 50.9% of women and 42.5% of men in their 20s reported experiencing adult acne
In their 30s, 35.2% of women and 20.1% of men reported adult acne
In their 40s, 26.3% of women and 12% of men reported experiencing acne
Even in their 50s, 15.3% of women and 7.3% of men reported experiencing
So now we know what type of acne you have, let's chat about ways to treat it:
If you have option 1: hormonal adult acne: There is a 2 pronged approach for this style of acne. I recommend acne treatments with an acne specialist who will use a combination of AHA peels, LED and Vitamin A to loosen and expel pore debris, along with consulting with an integrative Doctor who will take a holistic approach to an in-depth analysis of your blood work/hormone levels, diet and lifestyle to bring your body into homeostasis without the need of chemicals, drugs, the pill and harsh skin treatments that have negative side effects.
If you have option 2: All you need is to change your skin care to one that is healthy, non-stripping, non-pore clogging like or Skin Matrix Balance Cleanser and Skin Matrix HydraCell. You will need a good AHA exfoliant such as the ASAP Daily Exfoliating scrub and our BTB Serum to banish the blemish. Once you start on this routine, to fast track your results, book in with your acne specialist for extractions, an AHA peel and LED.
Acne is my specialty, ask me any questions you like on this topic, love to help....
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