Loyalty program
Our Loyalty Program is our way of saying thank you for shopping with us and being a part of our world!
$1 Spent = 1 Points
Write a product review
Register an account with Skin Matrix
Subscribe to our newsletter
300 Points can be redeemed for $3 (can redeem up to 1,000 points)
1000 = 20% off coupon code
Reward Points Information
viewing point status

To view your Loyalty Point Status: Log Into Your Account via the person icon top right hand corner of your screen or click on the navy Star ICON (mobile device) or navy Loyalty Points + Star Icon (DESKTOP) located above the Chat Icon bottom left corner of your screen, and sign into your account.

Once you have logged in, you can see your Loyalty Points total at the top of the pop up. Also you can view ways to earn and ways to redeem.
using your points

Add all your products to the cart that you wish to purchase.

Click on the Navy Loyalty Points Icon bottom left corner of your screen.

Click on Ways to Redeem

Click on Order Discount

Move the Slider to the right to indicate how many points you would like to use.

Click on the yellow Redeem

Click on the yellow Check Out Now - your discount is automatically applied to your checkout.
Terms & Conditions
- A minimum of 300 loyalty points is required to redeem in a single transaction and a maximum of 1,000.
- Earn Points on products purchased excluding delivery charges
- Your Skin Matrix Points have a 400 day expiry
- Skin Matrix reserves the right to adjust any Active Points balance where the points accrued have not been earned in the intended manner.
- Product reviews will be actively managed, product reviews that clearly abuse the loyalty scheme will not be granted. All product reviews must be approved by SkinMatrix before points are earned.
- Loyalty Points can only be redeemed throughout the order process and are not transferable into cash money.
If you are having trouble logging into your account. Jump on Chat with us.
How to Leave a Product Review
Login to your Skin Matrix account

Navigate to the product you would like to review

At the bottom of the page select review

Leave your review and select submit.